Watching it again after all I have been through and being hospitalised, I now see it all in a different light then I did before it was more raw and touching for me this time I understand it so much more.
Okay I'll be honest I only wanted to watch it at first for a fix of Fin because let's be honest 1, @NicoMirallegro is an amazing actor 2, he's bloody amazing to look at.
I may of started to watch it again to get a fix of the hunk however in the end it has done me and my journey the Rae Earl of good. Last year was really hard for me I was sectioned and had a lot of dark times, I still am having these Dark times but rewatching this made me see how far Iv came and how strong Iv been.
Living with a wide range of mental health disorders since such as borderline personality disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, generalised anxiety and depression. It's very hard to sometimes keep a grip on things let alone able to do things on a daily basis when you are like myself mental health has been a part of you since the age of six well 6 when I can first remember you tend to forget well no not really forget you don't know what life is like without having seen is it in there all my life I wouldn't know who I was without it. That doesn't mean I don't try every single day for things to be better off things to be different or I don't try and understand my disorders and what's called them sometimes things can get on top of you and we can also meet you down a dark spiral.
However rewatching my mad fat diary gave me a lot of insight into my own battle with mental health and how far I came in my life and prevent that if you stick at it and you can change the educates out and you keep wanting of knowledge and why and how you are the way you are and keep seeking treatment we can all actually get there in the end.
Love always
The girl with BPD XXX
Hi there. Not easy to live with BPD. Nice that you give it a voice! Also wanted to notice you on this post that address the need to fight stigma related to living with personality disorders: