Thursday, 9 February 2017

The Snapchat big Talk..

Iv been running the experiment on how many people stop and actually speak to people on social media who just need to vent or get how they feel in that moment. Now I understand on my snapchat I have a lot of people however in some way people think they know me, but they don't not really they know what I want them to know and see like most of us do on social media. Like if it wasn't me asking to talk to someone and it was someone else would people still of been so ready to listen so easily? Would they still take the time to hear how they was feeling? When I asked people "I wonder how many people who view this snap would message back and say hello" only 112 said hello out of 2579 and when I said "I felt low and need to talk" 49 asked me if I was ok or what was wrong and genuinely wanted to listen. So that tells me (and in no way is this Scientific) that people may say hello for the hell of it, but if people are really wanting to lend an ear and just listen they will do. 49 supportive messages and 1 negative this person told me I was defensive and wouldn't get a fair result because it's me, and that I had ego (that's their opinion what they think or feel isn't anything to do with me) it also shows me that people are kind and caring and people are a lot more open to talking to people with mental health issues or someone who is just having a fucking crap day and wants to off load.
I know that more people Said hello than who wanted to talk however people asked if I needed a listening ear faster than people who said hello. It may not seem like many people but if all them people want to listen to each person on this earth than I'm pretty sure the stigma to mental health will become lower and I'm also sure most people would open up most and discuss there troubles.
So never stop wanting listening or asking if someone is ok because you never really know who might need to talk and you never know who you may help.
That's just my theory though.

Ps. Less people ask me for pictures than who did to see if I was ok... Make your own minds up on that one.

Results... Out of 2579 views 113 replied just to say hello
Out of 2496 views 49 people replied to see if I was ok
Good 49
Negative 1

Make your own minds up however I'd rather be the person who just didn't say hello.

Love always
The Girl with BPD x

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