Monday, 7 December 2015

My struggles

Hello beautiful lot

So the last few weeks Iv had to take some time out from everything and look after myself a little better. 
Iv had a really trying few weeks and I'm the end I ended up feeling suicidal and just wanted to sleep for a very long time. I had been let down by a friend who I felt and still fell has wronged me, I was rejected and cast out into the cold. I took this very hard it's not surprising after being round a negative person who is like a death eater for a positive mind. However it was me who was let down and alone. I took this very hard and already with a low mood it just made me feel worse and very low Infact lowest Iv been for a while.

On the plush side now know how to deal with these moods and took myself away from the world for a while to recharge and refocus and I'm glad and pleased to say I'm back better than ever and very thankful and greatful for these struggles I get as they make me see how far Iv came and how amazing my life is and the people init. 

I'm still human who over the last few months has been dealing with a hell of a lot I wish I could say right now what Iv been facing however I will all in good time. 

My melt down was coming and is handle it to starry with not very well however I'm better and enjoying my life again.

Remember to take every struggle as a blessing and learn from them. Having BPD can help you find who you really are if you are willing to sit down and hear what it's trying to tell and show you. These moods will always pass and if you learn from them you will become the best you ever.

Love always
The girl with BPD

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